Customer Publication

FOXO3A Plays a Role in Wound Healing by Regulating Fibroblast Mitochondrial Dynamics

Authors: Mariko Moriyama et al.

Journal: Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2024)

Research Areas: Woundhealing

Cell Lines: Primary fibroblasts (Primary fibroblasts from WT, FoxO3a+/−, or FoxO3a−/− mice)

Summary: In this study, the molecular functions of FOXO3A in skin wound healing was investigated using FoxO3a−/− mice. FoxO3a−/− mice showed accelerated skin wound healing compared to WT. During wound healing, more fibroblasts accumulated at the wound edges and migrated into the wound bed in FoxO3a−/− mice. Moreover, using HoloMonitor M4, the authors showed that cell migration of dermal fibroblasts isolated from FoxO3a−/− mice was significantly induced.

Keywords: fibroblasts, FOXO, migration, mitochondria, wound healing

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