A LABSTOP day to refuel and meet HoloMonitor

We had a great day at SmiLe Incubator #LABSTOP where the SmiLe community used the opportunity to try hands-on our HoloMonitor Live Cell Imaging & Analysis system!

It makes us proud to be gold lab sponsor of SmiLe Incubator. SmiLe is a local business incubator in Lund, specialized in life science. Through our collaboration, HoloMonitor M4 is accessible for use through the Open Lab Skåne project.

Thank you to everyone who talked to us at our stand at SmiLe LABSTOP, joined our HoloMonitor seminars and put their lab gloves on for seeing their living, happy cells during our hands-on lab demos 🙂

Enjoy swooshing through the day in 60 seconds!

Curious about using HoloMonitor at SmiLe? Please get in touch with PHI specialist Lisa.

You missed our Application Specialist seminars on HoloMonitor and its application in cell-based research? Check out our free Webinars on Live Cell Imaging & Analysis to learn more!