Doctoral Theses

Our [single-cell tracking] data clearly show that there are subpopulations of rapidly dividing cells, hiding in population-based data such as the population doubling time. Thus, by only drawing conclusions based on population data, important biological processes on individual cell levels may be neglected.
Dr. Sofia Kamlund, Lund University
Not all those who wander are lost: A study of cancer cells by digital holographic imaging, fluorescence and a combination thereof
Authors: Sofia Kamlund
Research Areas: Cancer research
Keywords: Digital Holography, longitudinal tracking of individual cells, breast cancer cells, Breast cancer, Salinomycin, cancer stem cells, Fluorescence microscopy, EMT
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) in cartilage injury and repair
Authors: Sumayya Nafisa Khan
Research Areas: Stem cell research
Keywords: fgf2, cartilage, molecular and cellular medicine
Mechanosensing Using GaInP Nanowires
Authors: Zhen Li
Research Areas: Cancer research, Biotechnology
Keywords: III-V semiconductor nanowires Nanoparticle exposure Mouse exposure Cell exposure Nanotoxicology Nanosafety
Transcriptional control mechanisms in the wall of the urinary bladder. Myocardin family coactivators and the transcriptomic impact of denervation.
Authors: Baoyi Zhu
Journal: Doctoral thesis (2018)
Research Areas: Cellular Biomechanics
Engineered nanomaterials in in vivo and in vitro models
Authors: Laura Abariute
Research Areas: 1
Characterization of the Novel Pericyte Receptors S1PR3 and PTGER2
Authors: Tina Heumann
Research Areas: Biotechnology
Keywords: 500, 500 natural sciences and mathematics

Aquaporins in Infection and Inflammation
Authors: Angelika Holm
Research Areas: Inflammation, Cell research
Keywords: public health, global health, social medicine and epidemiology, clinical laboratory medicine, cell and molecular biology, socialmedicin och epidemiologi, klinisk laboratoriemedicin, cell- och molekylärbiologi, folkhälsovetenskap, global hälsa
Combination of Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Ionizing Radiation on Human Glioma Cells: Cellular, Biochemical and Gene Expression Analysis
Authors: Otilia Antal
Research Areas: Cancer research
Proteins, Polymers and Living Cells on Titanium Oxide-based Nano structured Coatings: Exploitation of Label-free Optical Sensing Methods
Authors: Judit Nádor
Research Areas: Method development
Living cells and copolymer coatings exposed to green tea polyphenol (EGCg): dynamic investigations using label-free optical biosensors
Authors: Beatrix Eva Peter
Research Areas: Mode of action