BioStock: PHI’s CEO comments on the approved US listing

Phase Holographic Imaging has been approved for a dual US listing in addition to its primary listing on the Swedish Spotlight market. What does this mean for the company’s shareholders, and how might it impact the company’s long-term valuation? BioStock reached out to PHI’s CEO Patrik Eschricht to discuss this and the upcoming redemption of the TO4 warrants that could potentially raise SEK 20.8 million in October.
Read the full interview with Patrik Eschricht on
Further reading

PHI som gäst i Fill or Kill podcast: Avsnitt 506
Lyssna på Fill or Kill intervjun med PHI vd Anders Månsson. Avsnitt 506 – Äntligen lite nya case.

PHI presents at Aktieportföljen Live
Watch CEO Anders Månsson present the Company and its future plans at Aktieportföljen Live.

Analyst Group Intervju med PHIs VD Anders Månsson
Analyst Group intervjuar Anders Månsson, VD för Phase Holographic Imaging, i samband med bolagets företrädesemission år 2024.

BioStock: Studio interview with Anders Månsson and Goran Dubravčić
Recently, PHI welcomed Anders Månsson as its new CEO. In a video interview, Månsson and Chairman of the Board Goran Dubravčić discuss the company’s future strategy and the ongoing rights issue.