Customer Publication

Adipocytes Migration is Altered Through Differentiation
Journal: Microscopy and Microanalysis (2019)
Institution: Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University
Research Areas: Cell Research
Cell Lines: 3T3-L1 (Mouse embryonic preadipocytes)
Summary: Preadipocyte differentiation from elongated structures to rounded adipocytes is adipogenesis. During the process cell cytoskeleton undergoes changes, which in turn alterate single-cell motility. In this work M. Lusting with colleagues for the first time evaluate differences between the motility of nondifferenciated preadipocytes and differentiated mature adipocytes using hologprahic imaging. Authors have used HoloMonitor M4 to show that preadipocytes move faster and further than adipocytes, idicating that cell cytoskeleton is altered during cell differentiation.