Customer Publication

Assembly of Epithelial Monolayers and Transmigration of Cancer Cells Captured with Phase Holographic Imaging
Journal: IEEE (2020)
Institution: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Research Areas: Cancer research
Cell Lines: Vero and HeLa (Vero – kidney epithelial cell line HeLa – cervical cancer cell line)
Summary: Cancer metastasis capabilities, i.e. cancerous cell ability to move from the tumor and invade healthy tissue, is a key factor for patient survival. Thus in this paper, A. Nagy with colleagues have studied how cancerous HeLa cells invade healthy Vero cell monolayer. Authors have used HoloMonitor M4 to study HeLa cell morphology and movement changes during the Vero cell invasion and added valuable information to further understanding of cancer metastasis mechanism. Additionally, they showed that the HeLa cell population was comprised of invasive and non-invasive cell subpopulations.