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Defining COMMD4 as an anti-cancer therapeutic target and prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer
Journal: British Journal of Cancer (2020)
Institution: Queensland University of Technology
Research Areas: Cancer research
Cell Lines: HBEC3-KT, H460, H1975, CRL5889 (HBEC3-KT, H460, H1975, CRL5889)
Summary: Despite current advances in cancer therapy, novel therapeutic targets and cancer therapies are needed to improve non-small lung patient prognosis and treatment. In this study, A. Suraweera with colleagues has identified that COMMD4 protein, which controls DNA transcription protein, can also function as a prognostic factor in non-small lung cancer and can be a therapeutic target. Authors have used HoloMonitor M4 to study cell proliferation changes after COMMD4 gene depletion.