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Hippo pathway controls cell adhesion and context-dependent cell competition to influence skin engrafment efficiency
Journal: The FASEB journal (2019)
Institution: Kobe University
Research Areas: Cell research
Cell Lines: Pia arachnoid mesothelial cells, MDCK, NIH3T3, and CaSki cells (Mouse keratinocytes (PAM), dog kidney (MDCK), and mouse fibroblast (NIH3T3) cells, Human cervix cells from metastatic site (CaSki))
Summary: The authors have studied Yes-associated protein -1 (YAP1) influence on cell competition and show that the effect is context-dependent. The authors conclude that YAP1 activation controls cell competition in part by decreasing cell adhesion. In this study, HoloMonitor was used to evaluate cell contact area and monolayer height after transfection.