Customer Publication

Metabolism of diethyl phthalate (DEP) and identification of degradation intermediates by Pseudomonas sp. DNE-S1
Journal: Ecotoxicology and Envoronmental Safety (2019)
Institution: Northeast Agricultural University
Research Areas: Environmental science
Cell Lines: Pseudomonas sp, DNE-S1 (Pseudomonas sp. DNE-S1 is a strain able to degrate DEP from contaminated soil in Zhaodong landfills, China.)
Summary: Due to phthalic acid ester release into the ecosystems concerns are raised about their ecological and human health effects. It has been shown that diethyl phthalate (DEP) is able to induce cancer in animals and humans and has effects on the formation of female reproductive organs. Y. Tao et al. have screened a new strain Pseudomonas sp. DNE-S1, which can degrade DEP from contaminated soil in Zhaodong landfill, China. Authors have evaluated how the strain uses DEP as a carbon source in different environmental conditions, as well as changes in cell morphology. HoloMonitor M4 was used to analyze the effect of metal ions on the cell morphology, including area, thickness, and volume. Y. Tao et al. have shown that after adding metal ions strain morphology changed significantly: cells became higher and the thickener, concluding that different metals have a different effect on cell morphology.