Customer Publication

Synthesis of a dihalogenated pyridinyl silicon rhodamine for mitochondrial imaging by a halogen dance rearrangement
Journal: Beilstein J. Org. Chem (2019)
Institution: German Cancer Research Center
Research Areas: Materials of Science
Cell Lines: U2OS (Human bone osteosarcoma epithelial cells)
Summary: Silicon xanthenes and silicon rhodamines are attractive as new fluorescent labels in the live sciences. Thus their development is at the high peak, especially for applications as a stains for use in super-resolution microscopy. In this publication, J. Matthias with co-workers have succesfully synthesised silicon rhodamine derivative, which had a high quantum yield and is suitable for live cell STED-nanoscopy, as it was non-toxic to studied cells. By employing HoloMonitor M4 authors have shown that new silicon rhodamine dye is not cytotoxic as cell prolifetion, including cell division time, cell count, and cell confluence, were uneffected.