Customer Publication

Targeted inhibition of ERα signaling and PIP5K1α/Akt pathways in castration‐resistant prostate cancer
Journal: Molecular Oncology (2020)
Institution: Umeå University
Research Areas: Cancer research
Cell Lines: PC-3 (Human prostate adenocarcinoma cell line)
Summary: As there are limited treatment options for metastatic prostate cancer (PCa), the disease progresses to castration-resistant after the initial androgen-deprivation therapy. Thus, there is a need to develop new treatment strategies to effectively treat patients. In this study, J. Semenas with colleagues have developed a novel selective inhibitor (ISA-2011B), which exhibits specific effects towards subgroups of PCas alone and in combination with tamoxifen and can provide new therapeutic opportunities. Authors have used HoloMonitor M4 to study PC-3 cell morphology changes after drug treatment.