HoloMonitor provide vital information to development of improved child cancer treatment
In 2010 under the leadership of Associate Professor David Gisselsson Nord at Lund University, research results developed in a collaboration between Lund University Hospital, the Institute of Cancer Research in London and Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) where published. These pre-clinical research results – to which PHI’s HoloMonitor® technology provided vital information – have now led to an improved clinical treatment of malignant child cancer. The Swedish Cancer Foundation recently granted Gisselsson Nord additional funding to further develop the treatment.
“Last weeks $7.4 million grant to David Gisselsson Nord and other cancer researchers at Lund University will create additional opportunities for PHI and our local customers here in Lund, who predominantly are cancer researchers,” said CEO Peter Egelberg.
“We all like to see businesses we are working with succeed. But there is always something a bit more when the technology leads to something really special. I’m proud to be a part of PHI, both as adviser and shareholder” – Ron Lowy, Denver.

Gisselsson et al, PNAS 2010
- David Gisselsson Nord Research Group
- New method for identifying most aggressive childhood cancers
- New method improves detection of malignant child cancer, interview in Swedish press
- Scientists at Lund University question leading theory of how cancer arise, interview in Swedish radio
- David Gisselsson and cancer research at Lund University receive 64 million kronor donation (in Swedish)
- Child cancer research awarded by the Fernström foundation (in Swedish)
- Article from 2010 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)