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PostNews: Press Release
Artistic image of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP).

PHI granted patent on synthetic antibodies in the U.S.

PHI announces today that the Company has been granted a patent on synthetic antibodies from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
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PostNews: Interim Report
Interim Report 4 2019/20 Banner

Year-end Report 2019/20

To emerge stronger from the pandemic than entering it, we have for the time being focused our resources on reducing sales cost, improving our market visibility and expanding the HoloMonitor product line.
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PostNews: Press Release
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National Institute on Aging and PHI sign collaboration agreement

The National Institute on Aging and PHI recently entered a collaboration agreement, aiming to develop an add-on fluorescent module for PHI’s HoloMonitor imaging cytometer.
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PostNews: Press Release
The Oresund Bridge

PHI secure working capital until 2022

To bridge and adapt to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, PHI has received a binding credit facility of 15 MSEK.
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New CEO commentary: “Bridging Corona”

As the dust from the stampede of bewildered politicians and overconfident billionaires settles, we begin to discern the new world shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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PostNews: Interim Report
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Interim Report 3 2019/20

With permanent staff on the ground in the US, we will be able to prepare, train and support a US sales organization much more efficiently than what was previously achievable.
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