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BioStock: PHI´s CEO comments on latest advancements
BioStock reached out to PHI´s CEO, Patrik Eschricht, to learn more about the visions moving forward.
PostNews: Interim Report
Interim Report 3 2022/23
Sales have continued to grow, with significantly higher cost efficiency. As a result, rolling 12-month sales gained to its highest level ever.
PostNews: Press Release
Clarification Regarding Potential Collaborations
Thi information is provided to mitigate any misinterpretation of the information unintentionally made publicly after a PHI presentation at a CERN Knowledge Transfer Seminar held on March 27, 2023.
PostNews: Press Release
Notice that Interim Report 3 2022/23 will be published already on March 28, 2023
PHI changes the date for publication of Interim Report 3 2022/23 to March 28, 2023.
PostNews: Press Release
PHI creates a subsidiary for the anticipated EU patent concerning synthetic antibodies
PHI has decided to create a dedicated subsidiary to house the synthetic antibody patent family and facilitate its business potential.
PostBlog Post
CERN seminar: The Promise of Regenerative Medicine and AI
During this seminar, Peter Egelberg, Founder of PHI, will present the work carried out by PHI in the development of time-lapse cytometry instrumentation and software.