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PostPress Release

Options Exercised III

Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) has two option programs, both with a final subscription date of October 24, 2017. The programs, directed to board members and advisors of the Company
PostNews: Press Release

Leading Australian Research Institute Purchases HoloMonitor

A first HoloMonitor was recently deployed at QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane Australia. With the purchase, the institute upgrades its quantitative time-lapse cytometry capacity to also include instrumentation for measuring the behavior of individual cells in a cell population, without requiring the cells to be labeled with toxic chemicals or through genetic manipulation.
PostPress Release

Options Exercised II

Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) has two option programs, both with a final subscription date of October 24, 2017. The programs, directed to board members and advisors of the Company, were implemented as the Company was listed at AktieTorget.
PostPress Release

Options Exercised I

Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) has two option programs, both with a final subscription date of October 24, 2017. The programs, directed to board members and advisors of the Company, were implemented as the Company was listed at AktieTorget.
PostNews: Press Release

Novel HoloMonitor based research to be presented at cancer research annual meeting

Using HoloMonitor® technology from PHI the scientists have been able to follow and measure important dynamics of cancer cells in ways not possible with conventional methods, which has led to the novel research results.
PostNews: Press Release

Japan´s foremost medical institute purchases multiple HoloMonitor instruments

Japan’s foremost medical research institute, The Institute of Medical Science at University of Tokyo, recently purchased two HoloMonitor M4. Together with RIKEN and Kyoto University, the institute spearheads Japan’s national effort to become the undisputed leader of regenerative medicine in the world.

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