PHI’s new HoloMonitor M4FL premiers at major scientific conferences
Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) introduces the HoloMonitor M4FL system to the global scientific community at two major scientific conferences this June.
In Europe, PHI exhibits at the 2023 Annual Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR 2023) in Torino, Italy. In the US, PHI is showcasing at the International Society for Stem Cell Research 2023 Annual Meeting (ISSCR 2023) in Boston, Massachusetts. These events mark the product’s world premiere.
With this latest product portfolio addition, we combine the HoloMonitor M4 system and its key technology – cell-friendly holographic microscopy – with fluorescence microscopy.
Lisa Lindström, PHI product manager
We are eager to speak to many researchers at the upcoming conferences and demonstrate how we push the boundaries of non-invasive live cell imaging from cancer research to regenerative medicine.

More information about the new HoloMonitor M4FL can be found online at
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