Synthetic antibody patent awarded to PHI by Japan
Phase Holographic Imaging AB (PHI) announces today that the Company has been granted a patent concerning synthetic antibodies in Japan. The corresponding US patent was granted in 2020.

“With granted patents, we are on track to secure a patent family that can lead to new screening methods for diagnosing cancer at an early stage. The grants in the US and Japan, together with the prospect of grants in Europe and China as well, prompt us to consider how we best commercialize the intellectual property rights”, says Peter Egelberg, CEO of PHI.
PHI submitted the granted patent application “Molecularly Imprinted Polymers” (JP2017559614) together with Germany’s federal institute for materials research (BAM) in November 2017.
Synthetic antibodies
The granted patents protect technology for creating synthetic plastic antibodies that can be tailored to recognize and bind to specific molecules with high precision to, for example, identify cancer cells in blood or tissue samples.
The synthetic antibodies are developed within the joint project GlycoImaging where PHI participated with Malmö University and four other research institutes. PHI holds the commercial rights to the innovation, owning 75 % of the patents, while BAM owns the remaining 25 %.