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PostNews: Press Release

PHI receives significant order

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PostNews: Press Release

HoloMonitor technology facilitates cancer research at Florida International University

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PostNews: Press Release

Nature publishes new HoloMonitor article, PHI achieves 50 publications

Researchers at Chinese Academy of Sciences have used HoloMonitor®technology from PHI to investigate cell behavior when Earth’s magnetic field is eliminated. The findings were recently published in Scientific Reports – an online journal published by Nature Publishing Group.
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PostPress Release

PHI raises 4.8 million USD

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PostNews: Press Release

Cell laboratory at Japanese University orders third HoloMonitor

One of the cell laboratories at Kyushu University in Japan has ordered two HoloMonitor® instruments to complement the instrument previously purchased by the laboratory. The university is one of the seven imperial universities which today form Japan’s prestigious national universities.
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PostNews: Press Release

Nature publish HoloMonitor Research

Cells cultivated on nanowires, imaged by HoloMonitor Researchers at Lund University have used HoloMonitor® technology from Phase Holographic Imaging to investigate the behavior of cells when cultivated on nanowires. The findings were recently published in Scientific Reports – anonline journal published by Nature Publishing Group.
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