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PostNews: Press Release
Correction regarding the publication date of coming interim report
PostNews: Interim Report
Year-end Report 2018/19
February – April 2019 Net sales 1 361 (2 180) KSEK Operating result -4 953 ( -1 955) KSEK Net result -6 350 (-3 820) KSEK Earnings per share -0.46 (-0.33) SEK May 2018 – April 2019 Net sales 4 601 (4 449) KSEK Operating result -17 424 (-8 393) KSEK Net result -23 050 …
PostNews: Press Release
PHI receives 18 MSEK through share options
On June 13, 2019, the exercise period of the TO 2 share options in Phase Holographic Imaging (“PHI”) ended. 632 520 (97.6 %) of the 648 338 outstanding options were exercised. PHI will thus receive approx. 17.8 MSEK before issuing expenses, which are expected to amount to approx. 0.8 MSEK.
PostNews: Press Release

PHI and leading supplier of cell analysis instrumentation sign agreement
Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) and a major publicly traded international supplier of laboratory equipment and cell analysis instrumentation have entered an agreement aiming to determine the scope and nature of a future partnership. The agreement is a result of discussions between the company management teams, over an extended period time.
PostPress Release
Investerarträff 28 maj 2019
Phase Holographic Imaging, inbjuder till investerarträff för befintliga aktieägare och övriga intresserade tisdagen den 28 maj 2019 klockan 16:30 i bolagets lokaler, Scheelevägen 22 i Lund.
PostNews: Press Release

PHI establish US subsidiary to foster US partnerships
As part of the ongoing expansion of activities on the US market, the Board of Directors of Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) has initiated the process of establishing a fully owned subsidiary in the US.