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PostNews: Press Release

PHI announces extraordinary quarter sales of about 5MSEK — marks the highest ever in Company history

PHI is excited to announce that preliminary Q3 net sales are summing up to approximately 5MSEK. These extraordinary quarterly net sales make it the highest ever in the Company’s history and mark an important financial milestone.
PostNews: Interim Report
Orange L929 cells on a light blue background.

Interim Report 2 2023/24

The autumn quarter marked a strategic shift in our sales organization, representing a significant move for PHI but affecting our Q2 sales. It allows us to sharpen our focus on what we do best: innovation and product development, particularly toward regenerative medicine applications.
PostNews: Press Release

PHI appoints Pareto Securities AB to act as a liquidity provider for the Company’s share

PHI has appointed Pareto Securities as the Company’s liquidity provider.
PostNews: Press Release
Artistic image of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP).

PHI granted patent on synthetic antibodies in the EU

PHI announces that the Company has been granted a patent on synthetic antibodies from the European Patent Office.
PostNews: Press Release

Directed issue registered at the Companies Registration Office

PHI Board of Directors’ proposal on a directed issue to Altium S.A. was resolved on the extraordinary general meeting on November 15, 2023. The directed issue has now been registered at the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
PostNews: Press Release

Bulletin from extraordinary general meeting in Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ) 15 november 2023

Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ) held an extraordinary general meeting on November 15, 2023. The following resolutions were passed at the meeting.

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