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BioStock: Altium fuels PHI’s forward drive

BioStock connects with Goran Dubravčić, Altium’s CEO and PHI’s newly appointed Chairman of the Board, to explore the current pivotal developments and their impact on PHI’s trajectory.
PostNews: Press Release

Bulletin from the annual general meeting of Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ)

Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ) held its annual general meeting on the 27th of October 2023. At the general meeting, the following resolutions were made.
PostNews: Press Release

Major shareholder acquires PHI’s convertible loan from Formue Nord

PHI informs the market that PHI’s largest investor, Altium S.A., has on this day taken over PHI’s outstanding convertible loan from Formue Nord.
PostNews: Press Release

PHI’s Board of Directors proposes signing Altium as global distributor partner

PHI’s Board of Directors decided to propose signing Altium S.A., which also is the Company’s largest shareholder, as a global PHI distributor partner.
PostNews: Press Release

PHI’s Board of Directors proposes a Direct Issue of shares of 9.9 MSEK to Altium

PHI’s Board of Directors proposes a direct issue of 2 374 820 new shares to the Company’s largest shareholder, Altium S.A.
PostNews: Press Release

PHI endorses WFIRM as Finalist for NSF’s $160 Million Innovation Grant

PHI proudly stands behind the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) as they contend as a finalist in the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Regional Innovation Engines competition, with a potential award of up to $160 million.

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