
Live cell imaging webinar - label your tubes, not your cells

Label your Tubes, Not your Cells

In this PHI webinar, Lisa Bodily, Application Specialist at PHI AB, introduces the exciting field of label-free live cell imaging.
The HoloMonitor way, saving time, money and cells

HoloMonitor saves your time, money – and cells

HoloMonitor® enables real-time label-free and quantitative studies of adherent cells directly in the cell incubator. Compared to standard methods the HoloMonitor approach saves both time, money and valuable cells for further experiments.

Growing & Analyzing Cells at their Best

BioSpherix and Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) have teamed up to support researchers in their ambition to grow and analyze cells in a cell-friendly environment, without cell disturbing factors like labels, stains and temperature fluctuations.
The spectacular live-cell image was created by overlaying HoloMonitor time-lapse images in a single image, where time is shown along the z-axis.

Quantitative Live-Cell Imaging Analysis

Since 2014, HoloMonitor and quantitative live-cell imaging analysis play an important role in advancing the scientific interests of researchers at Northeastern University.

New SelectScience eBook helps scientists choose the best cell imaging technology

A new cell imaging technology guide has been launched by leading independent science publisher SelectScience® to help scientists find the best equipment for their applications.

Interim Report 1 2019/20

Interim Report 1 (2019-05-01 – 2019-07-31) from Phase Holographic Imaging.
PHI building

US National Institutes of Health intends to purchase HoloMonitor

The US National Institute of Aging intends to purchase a HoloMonitor instrument from Phase Holographic Imaging. The National Institute of Aging is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a government agency to promote medical research.

Minor insider divestment

PHI Board member Jan Richardsson recently divested 5 328 shares in the company. “The reason for the sale is that I needed to balance an option loss linked to a previous employment”, comments Richardsson.
Single cell tracking adipocytes migration

A study on Adipocyte Migration based on HoloMonitor single-cell level results

In yet another publication scientists report on how HoloMonitor was used to study cell motility and migration for deeper understanding of cell biological processes.

Correction regarding the publication date of coming interim report